Welcome back, my old friend!

Hello all. It's been a long time. Why is that, exactly? Is it another episode like my LiveJournal , where I just write in a big burst because of some big moment? (Warning: that journal featured some very low emotional moments as a teenager for me, but w/e, I like being an open book.) Hopefully not. See, what I've been doing since my last entry is I've been writing about the My Little Pony TCG. Yeah, that's a thing, and I was pretty good at it, too. Here's a link to my other blog about it as well as my work on Ponycard.net . Unfortunately, I have concluded that I simply cannot afford to continue with a collectible card game. I'm trying to move forward in my life. Once I can get my car fixed up, I'm going to be looking for another, better-paying job, and move out into a new place. While I do that, I also realize I need to invest in the job I actually want to do, which is gaming culture. I'm hoping I'll be abl...