Late to the Party: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Wow, I am really late to this party. I had considered getting Phoenix Wright for a long time, but I have a little thing about doing games in order. I could never find the first game for Phoenix Wright, so I never started it. Well, this was made available on the Nintendo Wii, I had some points given to me free, so I finally got myself started. Not surprisingly, I'm very glad I did this. This game has sparked my interest in law again through the philosophies it expresses, even though the judicial system of Japan in 2016 is far from the American judicial system of 2010. Of course, Capcom really brings it up with its music, as it always does. If you have not started Phoenix Wright but have an interest in puzzle/mystery games, I strongly suggest picking this up (or at least start with Harvey Birdman's game).