Back in action

With the loss of my job, I have significantly more free time, even after going out looking for other jobs. I can now practice Street Fighter, Doom, Halo, Catan, whatever! I got to playing some SSF4 last night, and clearly the people there got better while I was grinding my teeth at work. I haven't worked so hard to win my matches in a long time, even though I was consistently winning. I also got worse in some aspects, because even though some people were playing really stupidly, they still managed to beat me. The one thing in which I can now pride myself though, is that I can almost reliably get Ultra 2 out when I want it, and it feels really good. I can bait out Shoryukens, answer crossups, even finally hit the Reversal EX Spinning Bird Kick. I can't use it carelessly, but it's still a powerful tool (especially when I can manage to get it twice in a round).